Building loyalty with Web3

Introducing the Odysseeya Reward Campaign for Starbucks Odyssey Participants

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Celebrating Our Trailblazers: Introducing the Odysseeya Reward Campaign for Starbucks Odyssey Participants

On a bittersweet note, Starbucks has announced the sunset of the Odyssey program beta as of March 31st, 2024. This innovative, Web3-powered reward program captivated over 50,000 participants with its unique approach to loyalty, combining the thrill of digital collectible trading with the warmth of community engagement. Odyssey members found joy and connection in collecting and trading digital Stamps, tokens of their shared experiences and adventures within the Starbucks ecosystem.

The Odyssey program has been a beacon of innovation, showcasing the transformative potential of Web3 technology in reshaping how we think about loyalty and rewards programs. Industry professionals and enthusiasts alike have watched in awe as Odyssey participants demonstrated the vibrant future of engagement, community, and reward.

While the program's conclusion has undoubtedly left many of our members feeling disappointed, the beauty of Web3 means the journey doesn't end here. The decentralized nature of the technology allows Odyssey participants to continue trading and earning rewards with their Stamps, ensuring the spirit of the program lives on.

In recognition of the pioneering spirit of our Odyssey members, we are thrilled to unveil a new campaign designed to celebrate and reward their passion and dedication.

Welcome to Odysseeya

Odysseeya is our exclusive reward page dedicated to the adventurers of the Starbucks Odyssey program. Here, participants can connect their Web3 wallet containing any Starbucks Odyssey Stamp and enter for a chance to win an array of enticing rewards and prizes. From exclusive merchandise to unique experiences, Odysseeya is our way of saying thank you to our community of early adopters who embraced this journey with open hearts and adventurous spirits.

The campaign will span six enriching weeks, providing numerous opportunities for participants to be recognized and rewarded for their pioneering contributions to the Odyssey legacy.

For companies looking to join us in celebrating this incredible community, we invite you to reach out and become a part of the Odysseeya campaign. Sponsor a reward and be part of a movement that honors innovation, engagement, and loyalty. Interested parties should contact us at

To all our Odyssey participants, we extend our heartfelt gratitude. Your enthusiasm and commitment have paved the way for the future of loyalty programs. The adventure may be evolving, but together, we continue to chart new territories in the world of Web3. Welcome to Odysseeya – let the journey continue.

Step3 is at the forefront of Web3 membership and loyalty solutions, helping businesses acquire, engage, and retain customers through exclusive access, perks, and rewards. The Odyssey program may be drawing to a close, but through initiatives like Odysseeya, we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible in the realm of customer engagement and loyalty.

To see the campaign in action visit:

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